In August 1914, a mere 367 women had a clearly defined war role. Ignoring early War Office advice to "go home and sit still", by 1918 hundreds of thousands of women from all corners of the world had lent their individual wills and collective strength to the Allied cause. They found, as did Elsie Butler when she held up a revolution in Russia for 24 hours, that indeed, they "could do it".
This book, now published, for publication in November 2014, lets these all but forgotten women speak directly to us of their war, their lives, their stories.
Order it now from Pen & Sword in the UK or Amazon in the US to be sure of getting your copy.
Post script: The City of Reims has carefully maintained a Roll of Honour and monument to those hundreds of French and Allied nurses who through their dedication to duty gave their lives in the services of the Allies.